Probabilistic Analysis of Tumor Models to Support Early Clinical Trial Design

M. Baaz , T. Cardilin , T. Lundh , M. Jirstrand. Journal of Theoretical Biology, Volume 595, Online 18 October 2024.


A large enough sample size of patients is required to statistically show that one treatment is better than another. However, too large a sample size is expensive and can also result in findings that are statistically significant, but not clinically relevant. How sample sizes should be chosen is a well-studied problem in classical statistics and analytical expressions can be derived from the appropriate test statistic. However, these expressions require information regarding the efficacy of the treatment, which may not be available, particularly for newly developed drugs. Tumor growth inhibition (TGI) models are frequently used to quantify the efficacy of newly developed anticancer drugs. In these models, the tumor growth dynamics are commonly described by a set of ordinary differential equations containing parameters that must be estimated using experimental data.
One widely used endpoint in clinical trials is the proportion of patients in different response categories determined using the Response Evaluation Criteria In Solid Tumors (RECIST) framework. From the TGI model, we derive analytical expressions for the probability of patient response to combination therapy. The probabilistic expressions are used together with classical statistics to derive a parametric model for the sample size required to achieve a certain significance level and test power when comparing two treatments.
Furthermore, the probabilistic expressions are used to generalize the Tumor Static Exposure concept to be more suitable for predicting clinical response. The derivatives of the probabilistic expressions are used to derive two additional expressions characterizing the exposure and its sensitivity. Finally, our results are illustrated using parameters obtained from calibrating the model to preclinical data.

Photo credits: Nic McPhee